Crop rotations have been part of agricultural practice in Europe since the middle ages and are important in protecting the land against soil erosion, pathogen build-up and pressure from disease and weeds. Crop rotations generally have a positive effect on soil functioning, compared to monocultures, which is mainly due to the suppression of soil-borne diseases and weed infestations. Crop rotations also tend to have a positive effect on soil structure and soil tilth, because of the diversity of rooting patterns and soil organic matter sources. Root crops in crop rotations often have a negative effect on soil structure due to the disturbance of soil structure during harvesting and the low amounts of residual biomass left in the soil. This effect may be mitigated/restored again by a subsequent cereal crop or oilseed crops.
General Principles for crop rotations:
From Building Soils for Better Crops (2000; Fred Magdoff and Harold van Es), chapter 11, “Crop Rotation,” pp. 102–3:
- Follow a legume crop with a high nitrogen demanding crop
- Grow less nitrogen demanding crops in the second or third year after a legume sod
- Grow the same annual crop for only one year
- Don’t follow one crop with another closely related species
- Use crop sequences that promote healthier crops
- Use crop sequences that aid in controlling weeds
- Use longer periods of perennial crops on sloping land
- Try to grow a deep-rooted crop as part of the rotation
- Grow some crops that will leave a significant amount of residue
- When growing a wide mix of crops, try grouping into blocks according to the plant family, the timing of crops, (all early season crops together, for example), type of crop (root vs. fruit vs. leaf), or crops with similar cultural practices
The table below provides links to existing practical information on the use of cover crops in agriculture.
Title | Language | Country | Format | Description | Organisation |
Crop Rotation: Practical Information | EN | Europe | Video | Video demonstrating why and how to design a good crop rotation | ![]() |
Tips for Sequencing Crops | EN | USA | Guidance document | A simple summary of steps to planning a crop rotation |
Planning and Implementing Crop Rotations | EN | UK | Case study/video | Vlog format case study of Dayelsford Organics focusing on organic crop rotations |
Agricology |
Rotations | EN | UK | Guide | Short overview of the decision of using rotations |
Frontier Ag |
Arable Cropping & the Environment - a guide: Rotations | EN | UK | Guide | Provides how a well-planned crop rotation can benefit the farmer and also any risks |
Defra |
Organic Arable Productions: Crop Rotations | EN | UK | Factsheet | Provides an example of a 6 year organic rotation along with key details about crop rotations |
Soil Association |
Crop Rotation Effects on Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition | EN | UK | Article | Details the basics surrounding nutrient release from different crops that can be used in rotations and the best crops to use dependant on different nutrient uptakes |
Crop Rotation | EN | Europe | Website | Suggests accompanying EU Documentation and why certain crop rotations should be used |
Low impact farming |
Redesigning cropping systems in three French regions | EN | France | Case study | Follows 3 different case studies in France with various current cropping systems used |
Endure Network |
Integrated Crop Management: Crop Rotation | EN | UK | Guide | Covers a wide range of crop rotation details along with different crops and where their place should be in rotational planning |
Defra |
Crop Rotations and Crop Planning | EN | US | Article | Details information surrounding crop rotations and why it should be done |
Crop Rotation | EN | Europe | Guide | Focuses on the benefits to farmers, and crop rotation vs crop diversification along with CAP barriers to farmers |
FOE Europe |