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Crop rotation

The temporal alternation of different crop types (mown vs. lifted, monocots vs dicots, annual vs perennial) on a piece of farm land.

Crop suitability assessment

Methodology to evaluate the suitability of a specific location for producing a particular crop under a defined agricultural production system based on the agro-climatic (i.e. thermal and moisture) conditions, and on the agro-edaphic (i.e. soil and landform) conditions (FAO).

Crop yield

The amount of crop harvested per unit area, expressed either as total yield (biomass) or as grain (marketable) yield (kg/ha or t/ha).

Cropping frequency

The period after which a crop type returns to a field in the course of years, commonly expressed as a percentage of the number of years needed for a full crop rotation cycle.

Cropping system

Crop type, crop rotation, and the agronomic management techniques (e.g. , tillage practice, irrigation, and nutrient and pest management) used on a particular field over a period of years (Nafziger, 2012).

Cultural ecosystem services

The non-material benefits people obtain from ecosystems through spiritual enrichment, cognitive development, reflection, recreation, and aesthetic experience, including, e.g., knowledge systems, social relations, and aesthetic values.


Filamentous or single-celled bacteria that fix carbon and nitrogen (formerly called blue-green algae). Only the filamentous species can be seen without a microscope. Cyanobacterial crusts with low biomass are generally the color of the soil and those with high biomass and diversity are dark (brown to black).

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