Partner 11 – The Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

NIBIO, Division of Environment and Natural resources, Fred. A. Dahlsvei 20, 1430, Ås, Norway



The Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research


Profile The goal of the Institute is to contribute to food security, sustainable resource management, innovation and value creation through research and knowledge production within food, forestry and other biobased industries. NIBIO delivers research, managerial support and knowledge for use in national preparedness, as well as for businesses and the society at large. Approximately 700 employees are present in all parts of the country. The main office is located at Ås in Akershus, just outside Oslo.
Institute website
Role in the project Study Site 2 coordinator
Name Contact details Qualifications Photo
Dr. Jannes Stolte Tel: +47 97404696

Soil physics, land use planning, head of department


JannesStolte Small
Dr. Lillian Øygarden Tel: +47 91684113

Soil researcher, specialist in climate related research, project coordinator of AGROPRO


LillianOygarden Small
Dr. Sigrun Hjalmarsdottir Kværnø Tel: +47 92643599

Soil researcher, specialist in soil erosion, PESERA model


SigrunKvaerno small
Kamilla Skaalsveen, MSc Tel: +47 40649996

Researcher with focus on environmental effects of agriculture, interaction with stakeholders


KamillaSkaalsveen Small
Dr. Marianne Bechmann Tel: +47 40482560

Environmental researcher, specialist in nutrient cycles


MarianneBechmann Small
Dr. Audun Korsæth Tel: +47 40482560

Agronomist, coordinator of the LTE at Apelsvoll experimental farm


AudrunKorsaeth Small
Dr. Till Seehusen Tel: +47 93269878

Agronomist, specialized in soil compaction research at Apelsvoll experimental farm


TillSeehusen Small